Date: July 11, 2011

Jag BrushTM Cleans Deeper than Standard Jags, Part II: Effect of Bristle Flex

Los Angeles, CA — the flexibility of a Jag Brush’sTM bristles give it a dynamic gap
clearance, and, in turn, a Jag BrushTM and patch combo presses patch fabric
deeper into rifling.  The gap clearance or gap is the distance between bristle tips and
bore wall.

After a Jag BrushTM and patch combo enters the bore, its bristles return to a
perpendicular state or to near that.  Bristle tensile strength and memory make it
possible.  Evidence of it is the fact that the radial diameter of the brush does not
reduce after several strokes.  When returning to the perpendicular state happens, the
gap clearance reduces to a minimum.  At the minimum clearance, there is little
space for patch fabric, and it results in patch fabric being pressed deep into rifling.

On the other hand, a standard jag’s rib diameters do not change, and it means a
standard jag can press only as much patch inside the bore as it can at bore entry.  
Evidence of it is the fact that standard jags cannot push into bore entry thick cotton
patches when patches are doubled up as one against the other.  On the other hand,
while not recommended, a Jag BrushTM used carefully successfully pushes into
bore entry thick doubled patches.

Notes follow about set up for table below.  The minimum gap ranges for standard
jags was determined by measuring diameters of several brands of jags.  When a
range is only one number, it means only one jag of one brand was measured.

The table shows that gaps for largest ribs of standard jags are usually 1 to 2 times
the patch thickness of a 0.016-inch thick patch.  On the other hand, gaps for Jag
BrushesTM are smaller, being less than a patch thickness.  It means the tips of
bristles of a Jag BrushTM are nearer the bore wall than are ribs of standard jags.  It
follows that a Jag BrushTM pushes patch fabric further into rifling.  Further evidence
is the fact that a patch pushed by a Jag BrushTM comes out with black streaks where
fabric was pushed into rifling full of carbon fouling.

Bristles of a Jag BrushTM, because they are pointed, can pierce patch fabric.  The
piercing of patch fabric means bristles of a Jag BrushTM can be closer to the bore
wall than solid ribs which cannot pierce fabric.  In addition, some bristles of the Jag
Brush’sTM signature small diameter section are longer than others, and these
bristles create variable minimum gaps smaller than those of solid ribbed jags.

The gap for Jag BrushesTM can be less than zero.  When the extremity of a patch,
wrapped around a brush, reaches beyond the small diameter section, it goes over
bristles of the large diameter section.  The bristles of the large diameter section are
too long to create gaps since the radial diameter at that section is larger than the
bore diameter.  The long bristles reach inside the grooves of rifling, being only 0.002
to 0.006 inches deep, and bristles drag through there.  In fact, the bristles can punch
through the patch there.  The patch extremity reaching the large diameter section is
mostly 1 layer which is easy for the bristle to pierce through, allowing bristle and
patch to drag inside grooves together.

PRESS CONTACTS                                                                                 

Shane Smith
+1  310-463-7811 (mobile)

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Press Release
Min Gap Range
for Jags to Bore
Ratio: min jag
gap to 0.016"
Min Gap of Jag
Brush to Bore
Ratio: jag
brush gap to
0.016" patch
Jag Gap versus
Jag Brush Gap
Ratio: (jag gap
minus jag brush
gap) to (jag gap).
0.016 to 0.021
1.00 to 1.31
0.0053 or less
0.33 or less
66 to 75
0.0114 or less
0.71 or less
28 to 31
0.016 to 0.028
1.00 to 1.75
0.0155 or less
0.97 or less
3 to 77
6 mm
0.016 to 0.032
1.00 to 2.00
0.00785 or less
0.49 or less
49 to 76
0.019 to 0.036
1.19 to 2.25
0.01125 or less
0.70 or less
40 to 68
0.016 to 0.018
1.00 to 1.13
0.0118 or less
0.74 or less
28 to 32
6.5 mm
0.015 to 0.029
0.94 to 1.81
0.01475 or less
0.92 or less
24 to 50
0.021 to 0.037
1.31 to 2.31
0.0149 or less
0.93 or less
29 to 59
7 mm
0.023 to 0.039
1.44 to 2.44
0.0149 or less
0.93 or less
34 to 62
0.028 to 0.030
1.75 to 1.88
0.0221 or less
1.38 or less
16 to 25
0.00955 or less
0.60 or less
0.022 to 0.023
1.38 to 1.44
0.00965 or less
0.60 or less
55 to 58
9 mm
0.024 to 0.032
1.5 to 2.0
0.00965 or less
0.60 or less
58 to 70
0.020 to 0.025
1.25 to 1.56
0.0135 or less
0.84 or less
46 to 59
0.011 to 0.019
0.69 to 1.19
0.00905 or less
0.57 or less
17 to 52
0.023 to 0.038
1.44 to 2.38
0.01045 or less
0.65 or less
55 to 72
0.024 to 0.038
1.5 to 2.38
0.01045 or less
0.65 or less
56 to 72
0.00785 or less
0.49 or less